Monday, 20 June 2016

Phalanx game 2016

Having searched for prince Barry for three days the pathfinders have been recalled after his location has been found. As squad delta was being withdrawn their lynx took fire and had to put sown. They had to survive until a rescue party could reach them.

The day began with a faint mist blowing over the hills as the frantic pathfinders and the crew of the downed lynx crew scrambled from their burning helo.

The militia unit roared onto the scene. They were stocked they had brought down a helo of the British puppets.

The first militia tacticals roars past half of the pathfinders. Private  Arthur Poole takes aim at the lead tactical.

And completely misses.

The militia return fire.

And score a hit as  Private  Sean Mcdonald drops.

As Lans corporal Harry Harris  drags his fallen brother to safety Arthur takes aim again.

And misses again.

The militia spring from their vehicles and return fire.

Dropping the  pathfinder.

The pilot Stuart McGillivray run through the militia fire to rescue the wounded pathfinder.

As the other pathfinders return fire.

The lynx gunner Jennifer Doyle does a lot better dropping the driver and gunner of a tactical on the left.

Just as reinforcements arrive.

The ultranationalist irregulars disibarack and begin to advance.

Until a noise makes them scatter for thier lives.

As reinforcements have arrive. A hind strike obliterates the irregulars.

Whilst their allies are being obliterated two militia attempt to flank the British. Upon hearing a noise in the farmhouse they move to investigate.

And quickly regret it as they are quickly butchered.

The remaining militia keep up the fire dropping more pathfinders.

Until the Hind destroys the tactical which only one gunner escapes.

With the Hind keeping the enemy back the Mil Mi-2 lands to take on the wounded.

With their forces in disarray what left of the ultranationalist retreat.

With the enemy in retreat, the Hind lands to evacuate the last brit Jennifer as both of the helo's take to the sky.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful table and a great looking game!
