Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Hardened aircraft shelter by redvectors

Long time no post.

Well, guys, I'm back with new ideas, more miniatures, and some brand new scenery.

First, I'm showing off my brand new hardened aircraft shelter built by the wonderful guys at red vectors

The kit was worth every penny and was easy to assemble. I highly recommend red vector if you're after commissioned MDF buildings.

To help for scaling purposes the UK challenger battle tank and it's crew have agreed to help.

As you can see the doors are large enough to allow most modern planes and helicopters in and out and the best of all the doors can move. 

The back has two doors to allow crew/maintenance staff in and out and a large door for parts. 
The inside is large and with side areas for storage and work bays.

Well if you can't guess what i have in mind for this thing it's going to be one of the pieces for an airfield board which is going to play a more significant role in Ukuechana. The war is far from over.

Till next time.

Monday, 8 May 2017

American forces in Ukuechana

In the first days of the international task force being sent to Ukuechana america was one of the first to provide soldiers. Navy SEAL’s from the USS Yorktown were quickly deployed to assist the SBS in securing Ayor international airport so that forces could be deployed. As the numbers kept on climbing it looked like america would be leading this operation.

That was until fourth of july in which america would be shocked by the events that happened. Elements of the  fourth marine expeditionary unit were doing standard operations to push the UPLA out of the city when elements began to be separated by the UPLA forces.

Around 12:30 element of the seven platoon lost contact with the rest of the marines with their last message being the UPLA were falling back.

What happened is unknown, but unconfirmed reports state that an explosion was detonated under the marine position leaving at least twelve dead and over forty missing. Members of the third battalion who were several blocks from the explosion sight claim they saw a black mushroom cloud coming from the blast sight, but with no sign of radiation this is being ignored as battlefield fatigue.

It was two hours before british and Ukuechana troops fought their way through to relieve the marines in which time three more had been killed and another twenty wounded.

With which a disaster so early into the campaign the president began withdrawal of the Us force not wanting to risk any more with the next years elections coming up. Handing command over to the British america has began the process of withdrawal bringing it men down to third most foreign soldiers operating in the country.

Army/National guard.

Elements of the various army and national guard units will be remaining in Ukechana.

The Arkham 365th combat aviation brigade consisted of national guard from the city of Arkham.

The "Damned 33rd" Infantry Battalion lead the main american infantry combat force fighting with the brits on the front lines.


Elements of the Rangers have been ordered to stay in the country to train up elements of the Ukuechana army. Elements of the third and second battalion are currently deployed in the country.

Marines/ Navy

Despite the casualties suffered by the unit elements of the fourth MEU has voluted to stay in Ukuechana many not wanting to leave until the bodies of their fallen comrades behind. Despite being under strength they are lending their aid to their allies whilst digging their fallen brothers out of the rubble. Also the unit is fielding the brand new Abrams hellhammer verity a tank built for city fighting.

The Navy is also playing a small part helping to keep the sea safe with bomb disposal units helping out on the ground. Sailors are also helping with the now massive logistical problem talking over Ayor navel base.

The carrier Grover Cleveland and it carrier group are in the air adding air support to the international task force.

Special forces.
Delta and the navy SEAL’s have both agreed to stay on and aid the rest of the international special forces. The SEAL’s are aiding in the mission to hunt down the current deck of 42 whilst Delta has been put in charge of finding the CIA agents and returning them to allied lines.


Something the american government wishes it could ignore are the american militia troopers who have gone to fight with the rebel force. An estimated two hundred americans are in the true Ukuechana army or in various UPLA units.

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

New year and the war rages on.

Greetings citizens sorry for so long without an update. The air raids on the capital by ultranationalist forces have had the power grid very unstable.

Allied and government forces have advanced north, but have reached a stalemate after being counter attacked by the fifth army and the weather has made advances impossible.

With no progress in the fighting and further riots, the government has made the unpopular decision of hiring Russian mercenaries to back up it forces. This has been meet by condemnation from the UIIF commanders and shown as proof of the government being a puppet by the ultranationalist.

Said merchs should arrive within the next few mouths

Whilst the weather rages the spec ops carry on. Raids against ultranationalist and UPLA positions have meet with mixed success. A big operation is said to be int he works through the press can neither confirm such rumours.